Top Picks- All you need to know about Positive Discipline
I am Lina Ashar and I want to jointly explore the power of parenting with you. Join me on my journey to educate our children in unlocking their extraordinary human potential.
How to Practice Positive Discipline at Home []: Positive discipline is a parenting technique focused on kindness, trust, and connection. Here’s why some experts say it’s the ideal way to teach children right from wrong.
How to discipline your child the smart and healthy way [Unicef]: There comes a time when every parent struggles with how best to discipline their child. Whether dealing with a screaming toddler or an angry teen, it can be hard to control your temper. No parent wants to find themselves in such a situation and the bottom line is that shouting and physical violence never help. Thankfully, there are other, more effective ways and one of them is positive discipline.
The better way to discipline children [Harvard Health Publishing]: It may be the toughest part of parenting: learning how to discipline children. As all parents know, or figure out, raising children isn’t just about feeding, changing diapers, sleepless nights, hemorrhaging bank accounts, or general chaos. It’s about raising them to be safe, kind, respectful, and productive human beings. The word “discipline” literally has its roots in the Latin word ‘disciplinare’, to teach or train. Parents need to teach their children good behavior; it doesn’t just happen. And it is incredibly hard work, especially because when children act badly, it can get on a parent’s last nerve and trigger an angry response, like yelling or spanking.
10 Positive Discipline Techniques That Work Well for Children [FirstCry Parenting]: Raising a child is not an easy task. When you become parents, you realise that you can’t always be lenient with your child. Disciplining a child is extremely important if you want your little one to grow up to be a good human being. However, you don’t have to spank or punish your child in order to discipline him, (unfortunately, there are many parents who still use this technique) you can be polite and gentle, and yet discipline him. The best way to discipline your child while still nourishing a good relationship with him is by using positive discipline techniques.
Top 10 positive parenting techniques for disciplining your child []: At first glance, positive parenting sounds like parenting without consequences for bad behavior. Contrary to what many may think, positive parenting doesn’t mean you respond with “I love you” when your 3-year-old hits you. Positive parenting is not a vague concept of being nice to our children when they don’t deserve it. It’s a parenting philosophy and strategic method based on the idea that our relationship with our children is the most important thing, and that we can help children develop self-discipline.