Top Picks- Here’s what you need to know about Empathy
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Parents: It’s On You To Teach Your Kids Empathy: [Forbes] Now, more than ever, the one thing it seems our society could benefit from more of is empathy. Whether talking about protecting others during a pandemic, or the current political climate, it could be argued that empathy is at an all-time low. But the next generation has the opportunity to turn things around, and to possibly create a healthier society overall if only their empathy could be fostered and better developed.
8 Ways To Cultivate Empathy In Kids: [Forbes] Humility is a much appreciated and much-needed virtue in today’s world. It is one of the most admirable personality traits. A person is said to be humble when he is modest, has an unassuming attitude without any hint of arrogance or pride. A person who possesses great power but is still humble will always be well-regarded and valued. Parents may like to cultivate this quality in their kids right from childhood. Your kid should be humble about his achievements even when they seem remarkable.
Compassion and the true meaning of empathy: [Ted Talks] Buddhist roshi Joan Halifax works with people at the last stage of life (in hospice and on death row). She shares what she’s learned about compassion in the face of death and dying, and a deep insight into the nature of empathy.
Cultivating Empathy in the Coronavirus Crisis: [Harvard Graduate School of Education] With children and adults encouraged to stay inside and practice social distancing, it’s easy for children and caregivers to draw their focus inward toward themselves or their nuclear families. However, research suggests the best way to combat feelings of isolation is to grow and strengthen concern for others.
Explaining Other People’s Emotions To Your Toddler: [FirstCry Parenting] Putting yourself in the other person’s shoes and analyzing a particular situation is an essential skill that needs to be honed right from early childhood days. If you have been wondering how to teach empathy to toddlers, go through these tips and implement the same while raising your child.