Top Picks- Here’s what you need to know about Forgiveness
I am Lina Ashar and I want to jointly explore the power of parenting with you. Join me on my journey to educate our children in unlocking their extraordinary human potential.
How to Help Kids Consider Forgiveness: [University of California, Berkeley] Like adults, kids sometimes feel wronged by others — when they aren’t invited to a classmate’s birthday party or a friend divulges their secret, for example. But in the midst of their anger or hurt feelings, they may not realize that forgiveness is an option.
Teaching children the importance of forgiveness: [Stanford Medicine] Humility is a much appreciated and a much-needed virtue in today’s world. It is one of the most admirable personality traits. A person is said to be humble when he is modest, has an unassuming attitude without any hint of arrogance or pride. A person who possesses great power but is still humble will always be well-regarded and valued. Parents may like to cultivate this quality in their kid right from childhood. Your kid should be humble of his achievements even when they seem remarkable.
5 Ways Parents Can Teach Their Kids To Forgive: [Huffpost] As parents, we must teach our children the realities of life. Life hurts us, people hurt us, we hurt other people and we hurt ourselves. That is what relationships and life are about. The sooner we let our children in on this secret, the healthier their life-approach will be. We must teach that life is not built to be fair. The relationships our children have will, for certain, be their greatest teachers of love and pain. They will never need to use forgiveness more than in their relationships. Forgiveness is many things — but we also must teach that forgiveness doesn’t always mean reconciliation. It is not about condoning harms which have been done. Forgiveness is about taking power back.
The Power of Forgiveness: [Moonshot Conversations] What is forgiveness? Is it just letting go of feelings and thoughts of resentment, bitterness, anger and the need for revenge and retribution toward someone we believe has wronged us including ourselves? What do we gain by forgiving? We have answers to all these questions and more.
Forgiveness: Why you must teach your Child: [WOW Parenting] With children and adults encouraged to stay inside and practice social distancing, it’s easy for children and caregivers to draw their focus inward toward themselves or their nuclear families. However, research suggests the best way to combat feelings of isolation is to grow and strengthen concern for others.
The power of forgiveness: [Harvard Health Publishing] Almost everyone has experienced being wronged by someone. It could be a former co-worker, friend, or family member. But hanging on to those negative feelings can do great harm to your health.